Calvin Harris Pays Rihanna a Compliment Over 'We Found Love'

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Homeward bound: Calvin Harris was spotted ariving at London's Heathrow airport on Monday

Calvin Harris makes his way through Heathrow Airport and wheels his own luggage through the terminal on Monday morning (April 20) in London, England.

The 31-year-old entertainer responded to a tweet about Rihanna and her song “We Found Love” that day.
“Did you know that Calvin Harris wrote and produced the #1 hit “We Found Love” [sung by Rihanna] on his own?” a music Twitter account tweeted out, to which Calvin responded, “Wouldn’t have been a hit if anyone else had sung it tho.”

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Going incognito: The superstar DJ tried to keep a low profile in his hoodie and baseball cap

Travelling light: Calvin was carrying a suitcase and a leather holdall as he left the terminal

Casual: The Scottish hunk was wearing a soft grey tee and black jeans

Flying solo: Calvin hit the road while his girlfriend Taylor was celebrating a major career milestone in the US

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