Jason Statham: I Make A Lot of Films with Not Much Depth

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Baldly going where many men have gone before: Jason Statham and a friend bought booze in Malibu on Wednesday

Jason Statham and one of his buddies make a pit stop at Ralph’s supermarket to pick up some groceries and booze on Wednesday (July 3) in Malibu, Calif.
The 45-year-old actor recently opened up about the types of directors he would like to work with, but normally isn’t offered roles for because of being type-cast in action flicks.

“There’s a ton of people I want to work with. [Martin] Scorsese, Chris Nolan, all these people who make good movies would fit the list. But things like that don’t come my way,” Jason told This Is Lancashire. “I make a lot of films that don’t have much depth to them – they’re more like popcorn movies.”

Article Source: justjared.com

Showing off his muscles: But his friend would have rather he put them to good use by carrying a bag or two 
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