Daniel Radcliffe is a 'Brilliant Human Being', Says Co-Star Juno Temple

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Blue-eyed boy: Daniel's eyes looked particularly blue as he left the venue with Stephen

Daniel Radcliffe makes his way out of the Ivy Restaurant on Thursday night (January 10) in London, England.
The 23-year-old actor was spotted hugging famous British actor Stephen Fry as he left the West End eatery.

Daniel‘s Horns co-star Juno Temple recently had kind words to say about her co-star.
Daniel is such a brilliant human being. I am so happy that I have had the opportunity to work with him. He is such a down-to-earth, raw and giving person. I adore him,” she told a UK newspaper.
Horns is set to be released later this year!

Article Source: justjared.com

Idol: Daniel recently revealed that is idol is Dustin Hoffman because despite his height he has had a great career
Hoods up: Daniel wore his hood up as he left the restaurant in his casual outfit of jeans and plaid shirt Hoods up: Daniel wore his hood up as he left the restaurant in his casual outfit of jeans and plaid shirt
Reaching up: Daniel Radcliffe struggled to hug goodbye to Stephen Fry as they left The Ivy on Thursday evening
Farewell: It became apparent just how short Daniel was as he stood beside Stephen Fry