Getting her weekend off on the right foot, Dakota Fanning headed to the gym in North Hollywood on Friday (January 11).
The "Twilight" star wore a gray jacket, black scarf, gray workout tights, and purple sneakers as she headed back to her vehicle in the bright California sun.
As previously reported , earlier this week, the 18-year-old actress joined her younger sister, Elle, in South Korea to work with the J. Estina clothing line.
While in Seoul, the famous sisters took part in a photo shoot for the brand, in addition to appearing on the "Paik Ji-Yeon's People Inside" TV show.
Article Source: gossipcenter.com
While in Seoul, the famous sisters took part in a photo shoot for the brand, in addition to appearing on the "Paik Ji-Yeon's People Inside" TV show.
Article Source: gossipcenter.com